Our Mission & Values


Our mission is to build a LOCAL food COOPERATIVE promoting a HEALTHY, ETHICAL and RESILIENT COMMUNITY.

Core Values

1. Promote and foster better food choices

2. Cultivate and strengthen our local economy ​​

3. Inspire and empower community 

4. ​Champion environmentally responsible practices

The Cooperative Principles

Using the 7 cooperative principles as guidelines, Food Shed Co-op puts values in to practice.
1. Open and voluntary membership (ownership)
Co-ops do not limit, for any social, political, or religious reason, who may join and become a co-owner of the co-op. Co-ops are open to all who can make use of their services and are willing to accept the responsibilities involved.
2. Member economic participation (ownership)
This principle combines many concepts, all based on the basic idea that co-ops—and their money—are owned and controlled by their members. Members provide the basic capital (money) to start and operate the co-op. If co-ops pay dividends to their member-owners, the rate must be limited. Surplus, or profit, resulting from the operations of the co-op belongs to the members, and they control how it will be distributed. If a co-op’s surplus is returned to members, it is distributed in proportion to the amount of business each member has conducted with the cooperative.
3. Democratic member control (decision making)
All co-op members have equal voting and decision-making power in the governance of the business, on the basis of one vote per member.
4. Autonomy and independence (decision making)
Cooperatives are independent, self-help organizations controlled by their members. They limit the influence of outside agencies or business partners to ensure their independence.
5. Education, training, and information (special practices)
Co-ops have an obligation to educate members about cooperative business. This mandate also encompasses educating the general public, young people, and community leaders about the nature and benefits of cooperation.
6. Cooperation among cooperatives (special practices)
To bring the theory of working together full circle, co-ops recognize the vital importance of working with other co-ops—locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally. Through these efforts, co-ops try to help each other—to strengthen their economic positions and to contribute to the co-op movement. This principle of “cooperation among co-ops” extends the idea of working together to the organizational level.
7. Concern for community (special practices)
While member needs are their primary concern, cooperatives also work for the sustainable development of their communities